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TrueLight Luna Red® IR+FIR Blanket is Human Compatible® and can support increased circulation and lymphatic flow, muscle recovery, pain reduction, relaxation and restful sleep.
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Possible Benefits:
This fleece blanket is designed to absorb, store, and reflect back the body’s own IR+FIR wavelengths. It is particularly unique because it uses charcoalized bamboo particles that are permanently suspended in the yarn. These allow the IR wavelengths to be reflected back to the user. Additionally, FIR wavelengths are reflected with the use of proprietary volcanic minerals printed on the backside. When combined, these innovative technologies enable the gentle transmission of energies that are absorbed through the skin and into the tissue and organs of the body.
Ideal for airplane travel, after exercise, or while spending the evening relaxing at home, especially because of the ability to help the user fall asleep 15-20 minutes faster. An additional benefit of charcoalized bamboo is its absorption of odors, which will keep your blanket fresher, longer!